miércoles, 30 de abril de 2008

De repente y para siempre

Y usted, si quiere, puede ver esa tristeza
a la hora que quiera…

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Kings Of Convenience

I'd rather dance with you than talk with you

The music's too loud and the noise from the crowd increases the chance of misinterpretation ...

:) <3 <3 !! Constellations stay the same

C a s s e t t e

Mix Tape USB by Suck UK

Wallet by Claire Bedard

Wallets cassette buckle and bag by Marcella Foschi

Hasbro Cassette Transformer

Tape Dispenser by j-me

Our Wasted Lives

Hay países como República Dominicana, Honduras y Egipto donde no se han registrado suicidios en los últimos años .

México tiene un índice de 3.1 suicidios por cada 100 mil habitantes.

si? si.

martes, 15 de abril de 2008

Brian Dettmer

Brian use existing books, cassette tapes, and video tapes to create completely new works of art. When dealing with books, Brian cuts into the pages revealing fragmented images and words, and in turn restores value to books that had otherwise been tossed away and forgotten

Esos ya no son libros ... gracias.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008